

Page history last edited by Graham Attwell 13 years, 2 months ago

CLICK HERE to see what's on!
(or use the programme link on the right)

F-ALT is a fringe event organised to coincide with the annual Association for Learning Technology annual conference. Spurred on by the fantastic success of F-ALT 08, and F-ALT 09 we're looking forward to an even more fabulous series of unconference events. This Year ALT-C is in Nottingham!. Here is the  CrowdVine site for ALT-C 2010 - this page is particularly useful for those who are not registered with the main conference  http://altc2010.alt.ac.uk/pages/online_participation wood doors

F-ALT takes place between Monday 6th September to Thursday 9th of September. We will work hard at indicating public accessibility to slots & try and and make as many of them open as possible. The Annual Edubloggers meetup takes place on the evening of the 7th of September, this year at the Cast Bar (attached to the Playhouse, Nottingham City Centre).

  • Lovely disclaimer: Although F-ALT is really lovely, we don't have any official connection to, relationship with, or endorsement of ALT or ALT-C. We don't have sponsors, budget, organisational structure, chair, committee, or mascot. We are rich in both extremely well thought out and poorly conceived ideas.


Keep up! We'll be here:

  • Twitter
  • Friendfeed
  • Flickr

Tag is falt10 & #falt10 for Twitter

F-ALT 10 will consist of a variety of sessions held in public, conference and university spaces. Delegates are encouraged to experiment with format, with slots focusing discussion and allowing participants and bystanders to experiment with an alternative conference format cash advance loans. Participants pick the topics they are most interested in debating and negotiate session delivery. If you have session ideas you can stick them here or in the programme (more organised). We'll work up detail as we go along.

Are you speaking on the official programme? Let us know!

STOP PRESS: Badges now available, see Who is at F-Alt 2010


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F-ALT lines

Awards & other ideas

M25 F-ALT-D (Alternative Conference Dinner in London)

Not the conference dinner (alternative conference in Nottingham!)




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